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Portable Milling Machine
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Portable Surface Milling Machine

Milling machine mainly means the machine tool that uses a milling cutter to process various surfaces of the workpiece. In addition to milling planes, grooves, gear teeth, threads and spline shafts, it can also process more complex profiles. A milling machine is more efficient than a planer and is widely used in machinery manufacturing and repair departments. When working, the workpiece is installed on the workbench or indexing head and other accessories. The rotation of the milling cutter is the main motion, supplemented by the feed motion of the workbench or milling head. And then the required machining surface is obtained. In short, a milling machine is a machine tool to mill, drill and bore workpieces.

Portable Surface Milling Machine

The portable plain milling machine adopts a multi-functional, lightweight, combined-type structure design. It is mainly used for the processing of plane, convex grooves when working on site.
The applications are common in mill archways of steel mills, heat exchangers, hydrogenation reactors, the base of pumps and motors, hatch covers of the shipbuilding industry, the iron and steel industry and other fields.
Main motor power
3 kw servo motor
0.1 mm  (0.0039 inches)
3.2 μm (0.00013 inches)
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